it’s a bunch of words I wrote
Introducing MissionControl
A few months back I purchased a Parrot Bepop drone and started writing some code to actually fly it from my PC (being unhappy with only Android/iOS options). In particular I wanted a system that would let my fly it with my shiny new X-55 Rhino HOTAS I got for Star Citizen and Elite: Dangerous. Unfortunately my […]
Hey everyone, I’ll be at DEF CON 23 in Las Vegas this weekend helping at the Car Hacking village. Tweet at me if you’ll be around!
Penguicon 2015: Scheduling
I’ll be at Penguicon this weekend, Michigan’s largest sci-fi/open source convention! I’ll be giving a talk about my upcoming research paper “Scheduling a conference to minimize RSVP conflicts” which is currently undergoing peer review. Here are the slides for my talk: Scheduling: The first academic paper about Penguicon A pre-print of the actual paper: Scheduling a conference to […]
Foundations of the golden ratio base
Positional numeration systems have come to dominate mathematics, with the ubiquitous base-ten number system used nearly universally. In addition to base-ten, other bases such as base-two and base-sixteen have found widespread usage (for example in computer engineering). We review a particularly novel take on the positional numeration system: the golden ratio base, first introduced by […]
Convergence of arithmetic and geometric means of the n-th root of a sequence of certain binomial coefficients
Introduction Blaise Pascal first introduced the triangle that would later come to hold his name [1], although in modern notations the so-called binomial coefficient denoted by $n \choose k$ may be more familiar to the reader. We shall prove a few interesting results regarding a sequence of the $n$-th root of means of the set […]
Real number approximations in finite space with IEEE 754
Jeffrey Quesnelle Computer systems often need to represent real numbers as a part of their operation, but how to encode these numbers in fixed, finite space is non-trivial. If the size of the variable in question is bounded then so-called fixed point arithmetic can be used, treating both sides of the decimal point as integer […]
nds4droid release 46
Hey there boys and girls, how about an nds4droid update for the holidays? As always it’s on Google Play and sourceforge. Your changes: Added a soft options button that will open the options menu. This will allow new devices that don’t display the options compatibility bar to access the options. (Hopefully) fixed a bug that caused […]
Automotive Ethernet: The Definitive Guide
I’m excited to announce my first real published work! Automotive Ethernet: The Definitive Guide is a comprehensive guide to the developing world of Automotive Ethernet. For the past twenty years most automotive networking has relied on CAN bus to move information around the car. CAN is quickly outgrowing it’s usefulness though, and the industry is now shifting to […]
Using emscripten/WebGL to run a Nintendo 64 emulator at full speed in most games with Firefox
I recently spent some time learning emscripten, the LLVM-to-Javascript compiler and decided that porting mupen64plus, the popular Nintendo 64 emulator, would be a good test of its features. Took a bit to get right, but you can checkout the code and a working demo of it here: (Requires Firefox unfortunately for now)
Setting up a man-in-the-middle device with Raspberry Pi, Part 1
I recently purchased that most marvelous of devices the Raspberry Pi and naturally my thoughts turned to the nefarious given its cheap price and small package. I decided to attempt to create a man-in-the-middle device that could be discreetly attached to a remote network and could redirect and sniff traffic. I’m only a very novice Linux […]